Water purification information

What to pay attention to when you don't need a water purifier on vacation

Views : 63765
Update time : 2021-10-09 11:36:48
I would like to remind everyone here that when going out during the holidays, don't forget to cut off the water and electricity at home, not only to save electricity, but also to avoid unnecessary safety hazards.

Especially with regard to the water purifier, I have to warn you a few more words.

Precautions for the use of aicksn water purifier
 Water and electricity

If you don't use it for a long time, you must cut off the water and electricity. During the vacation, if no one uses the water purifier at home or in the company for a long time, drain the water inside the machine first, then shut down the machine, disconnect the power supply, and close the water inlet valve.

Water pipe blowdown

If the water purifier is not used for a long time, the first bucket of water should be drained after restarting. When reusing the water purifier, please check the appearance of the machine and whether the pipe connections are normal. The first bucket of water produced is discharged.

If not used for more than half a year, it is recommended to replace the filter element

If the water is stopped for a long time, after the water supply is restored, a large amount of sediment, rust, etc. will be deposited in the water pipe. If the water purifier is used directly at this time, the sediment in the water pipe will enter the machine, causing the filter element to block, no water or water. There is a peculiar smell, which affects the normal use of the water purifier. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the filter element.

Whether the water purifier is good or not depends on the quality first and then maintenance. As long as everyone pays a little attention in daily use, the service life of the water purifier can be effectively extended.
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