Water purification information

How to choose a water purifier scientifically?

Views : 63992
Update time : 2021-10-25 17:44:14
Many people think that the purer the drinking water is, the more healthy it is. Some people even drink the "ultra-pure water" in the laboratory. In fact, this view is unscientific. Our water sources are mostly tap water or groundwater. In addition to dust and sand, the water also contains ions, colloids, bacteria, microorganisms, and minerals. There are many kinds of water products on the market, such as mineral water, natural return water, natural water, ultra-pure water, purified water, distilled water and so on. So, what kind of water is healthier? Is drinking water as pure as possible? Teach you how to choose a water purifier scientifically?
How to choose a water purifier scientifically?
The “ultra-pure water” in the laboratory is pure to pure. It not only removes dust, sand, some organic matter, microorganisms, etc., but also removes calcium and magnesium ions that form scale when boiling water, and it is beneficial to the human body. Minerals, this water almost removes all impurities in the water in terms of purity, so it is suitable for scientific research in the laboratory and is not suitable for drinking. At present, most families drink pure water the most. As we all know, the most important thing in water purifier products is the filter element. Household water purifiers on the market are mainly divided into two types: ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis according to the structure of the filter element. The pore size of the ultrafiltration membrane is about (0.001-0.1)um. The colloid, rust, suspended matter, sediment, and macromolecular organic matter in the water can be intercepted by the ultrafiltration membrane to complete the purification. Ultrafiltration water purifiers generally do not need pumps, do not consume electricity, and avoid electrical safety issues. And it has a large water output, no waste water, environmental protection and energy saving. In addition, because of the few joints and low water pressure, the normal water pressure of general municipal tap water is sufficient, so the failure rate and the probability of water leakage are relatively low. However, its shortcomings are also obvious. After long-term use of the ultrafiltration water purifier, the residue on the membrane surface will affect the water output and needs to be cleaned in time; the removal of chemical contaminants in the water is poor, and the water taste is average. Decrease the hardness of the water, there is still the possibility of scaling in the boiling water container. Reverse osmosis is also called reverse osmosis. Its core component is a semi-permeable membrane-a bioselective membrane that allows only solvent molecules to pass through. It is called reverse osmosis because it is opposite to the direction of natural permeation (natural permeation is when water passes through the membrane from the side of the liquid with higher concentration to the side with lower concentration), so it is called reverse osmosis. Due to the high operating pressure, excellent performance of the membrane is required, which is generally an imported material. Compared with the ultrafiltration water purifier, the output water quality of the reverse osmosis water purifier is cleaner and safer. It can remove all kinds of harmful impurities and metal ions in the water. The water has a good taste and can reduce the hardness of the water. The container is not easy to produce scale after boiling the water. . The disadvantages of reverse osmosis water purifiers are that they need to use water pumps, need to be energized, and have electrical safety problems. There are many joints, high water pressure, relatively high failure rate and water leakage probability, complex structure and high cost. Moreover, its water output is difficult to reach the output of an ultrafiltration water purifier, and more waste water is generated. In terms of environmental protection and energy saving, reverse osmosis water purifiers are far inferior to ultrafiltration water purifiers.

Generally speaking, if the tap water quality in your area is good and there is no large industrial sewage output nearby, ultrafiltration can meet the needs of life. On the contrary, where the environment is not good or the chemical pollution is more serious, the reverse osmosis water purifier comes in handy.
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