Water purification information

Classification of commercial water purifiers

Views : 70161
Update time : 2021-12-01 17:45:46
Commercial water purifiers are divided into these types:
1. The structure of the water purifier is different, and the water purification effect is also different. Generally speaking, the primary filter water purifier has a simple structure, mainly activated carbon, and its filtering capacity is limited, so it can only be used for coarse filtration. The filtered water is best heated and boiled for drinking.

2. Multi-stage filter water purifier. This kind of water purifier has two stages of coarse filtration and a set of fine filtration, and the fine filtration mostly uses a hollow fiber filter element, and the filtered water can be directly consumed.

3. The water purification effect of reverse osmosis pure water machine is the most ideal. It has three-stage pre-filtration, one-stage reverse osmosis membrane precision filtration and one-stage post-filtration. The filtered water is free of bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, organic matter, minerals and odors. It is pure water and can be drunk without heating.
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